Fresh Pasta Bourguignon
bourguignon leftovers taken to the next level!

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Fresh Pasta Bourguignon

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Adjust Servings:
sliced red Onion
3 cloves finely diced Garlic
½ cup Dry white wine
450g/1lb Beef Bourguignon leftovers">450g/1lb Beef Bourguignon leftovers
1 tsp balsamic vinegar
1 tsp Kosher Salt
1 tsp Pepper
350g/ 10oz fresh pasta dough">350g/ 10oz fresh pasta dough
about ½ cup parsley torn by hand
sprinkle on top Olive oil

Nutritional information

Serving size
Total Fat

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  • meat
  • wine




We had Beef Bourguignon 3 days ago, it’s one of my all-time favorite dishes, especially on a cold winter weekend. This is one dish that really gets better within the next 4-5 days and the natural meal for this amazing stew was fresh pasta bourguignon dish, it’s soooo good.

The thing I like about this Pasta is that it’s almost effortless, I mean the sauce is ready, OK …almost ready, so there is plenty of time focus my efforts on the fresh pasta.

Fresh pasta bourguignon – guidelines

The sauce is had reached the optimal flavors after a few days and I can use it as is, however when I come to make a pasta sauce, it’s not enough, I need to emphasize the beef flavors without making it too heavy or just having a Beef Bourguignon with pasta, I want to take it to the next level.

In order to do just that I need sharpen the natural beef stew flavors and bring additional tastes like acidity which will come from the dry white wine and balsamic vinegar.

When making a stew, all ingredients mix to form a wonderful beef sauce, I want to take this basic sauce and dismantle it, bring out, emphasizing additional flavors like garlic and onion that will get our sauce complete and finally get a fresh feeling to this heavy sauce in the form of fresh parsley on top.

fresh pasta bourguignon

Let’s talk about the Pasta

Julia child which is my guru when it comes to beef bourguignon never referred to pasta anywhere near this stew, she mentioned mashed potatoes or rice to accompany this dish, it makes sense, pasta comes from a different region and was not common in the traditional French kitchen.

I find that making fresh pasta is by far the best way to go with a bourguignon leftovers, the pasta takes the dish to a whole new level and really gives this amazing beef stew new upgraded life.

fresh pasta bourguignon

I wouldn’t go the distance in making the fresh pasta bourguignon dish the same day as the stew, it’s too much work, this is a classic leftover dish that takes advantage of a great sauce and great pasta.

fresh pasta bourguignon


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25 minutes

making the sauce

Set a big Iron skillet over medium-high heat for 2 minutes until smoking.
Scrape the top layer of fat from the beef bourguignon's leftover bowl, we usually throw this away but in this case the fat will replace 2 tablespoons of olive oil and will add flavor.
Add the onion, cook for 3 minutes until transparent, throw in the garlic and cook for 2 more minutes.
Pour the wine and cook for another minute until alcohol evaporates completely.
Throw in the beef bourguignon stock and meat into the pan and bring into a simmer.
Pour the balsamic vinegar and season with salt and pepper.
Lower the heat to low and cook for 20 more minutes.

20 minutes

Making the Pasta

While the sauce is cooking take the pasta dough out of the fridge and divide to 3 equal parts.
If using a pasta machine go up to stage 6, for instruction on fresh pasta click here


cook pasta with the sauce

Throw in the fresh pasta to the beef bourguignon sauce, cook for about 7-10 more minutes, the pasta needs to be al dente but not soggy.
When ready remove from heat, sprinkle with parsley and olive oil.
Serve immediately.


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