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Potato and Beef Croquettes

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4 Potatoes Medium potatoes. I use Yukon Gold
0.5 Lbs Ground Beef Lean beef. 10% fat
1 Onions chopped
1 Eggs
Flour For coating the croquettes
bread crumbs For coating the croquettes
Black Pepper
4-5 Tbsp oil

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Potato and Beef Croquettes

  • Gluten Free
  • Medium




This is one of my all time favorites. My mom used to make it for us since we were children and to this day this version of beef croquettes is the ultimate comfort food for me. The ingredients are pretty simple. Basically just potatoes, ground beef and bread crumbs. It’s not a beautiful dish but you wont be able to stop eating it…

Oh and I’ve made it this time with gluten free breadcrumbs and flour and it turned out to be great but if you use Panko breadcrumbs the result will be even crunchier!

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25 Minutes

Making the croquettes mix

Peel and cut the potatoes. Cook them in a pot till you can easily stick a fork in them but don't over do it. About 15 minutes.
At the same time add one oil table spoon to a pan and fry the onion on medium heat until slightly brown (5-10 minutes). Add the ground beef and cook till it changes its color to brown and all the liquids vaporize. Add 1 Tsp of salt and pepper to your liking. About 10-15 minutes.

5 Minutes

Mixing Beef and Potatoes

Strain the potatoes to remove all liquids. Return to pot and add the beef to the potatoes. Taste and correct seasoning if necessary.
In three separate plates add the breadcrumbs, flour and an egg. Stir the egg and dilute with 1-2 table spoons of water.

5-10 Minutes

Frying the Croquettes

Add Oil (2-3 table spoons) to a pan over a medium heat.
With wet hands or with a spoon create long and chunky patties from the potato and beef mix (slightly larger than a golf ball) and dip into flour, egg and breadcrumbs in that order.
Fry the croquettes, brown them nicely from all sides. Alternatively you can also use a deep fryer for this step and they will brown more evenly.
Remove and let the croquettes rest on a paper towel for 2-3 minutes.
Serve warm!


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