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Salted Caramel Ice Cream

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Adjust Servings:
375ml/ 1½ cups Milk
7 medium egg yolk
150g/ 2/3 cup Sugar white sugar
2 tbsp. water
250ml/ 1 cup Heavy Cream
150g/ 5oz. Sour Cream
1 tsp. Vanilla extract
1 tsp. Salt
1 tsp. Atlantic salt Optional, only if custard is not salty enough

Nutritional information

Serving size
Total Fat

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Salted Caramel Ice Cream

Iconic flavor that we can't get enough of!

  • Dairy
  • Eggs
  • Gluten Free
  • Vegeterian
  • 6 hours
  • Serves 10
  • Medium




Salted caramel ice cream, beside of being a delicious kind and one of my favorite ice cream flavors is a smart ice cream to make.

Did you ever think why there is no salted vanilla, or salted chocolate ice cream, salt with caramel had become a trademark and almost a consensus.

The reason, in my opinion is that caramel is basically sugar on speeds, so it really intensifies its flavor, and what a better way to break the ridiculously sweet taste than with salt, it’s genius.

Back at the day… well not that long, about 20 years ago, salted caramel was a real surprise, you’d be asking yourself, salt in ice cream, really? and then you’d tasted it and got hooked like the rest of us.

We need to keep a few guidelines when making a caramel, in order for this ice cream to get the maximum flavors, you guessed correctly, the major focus is on making the caramel, the rest is similar various ice creams we’ve made in the past.

Salted caramel ice cream

Salted Caramel Ice Cream guidelines

There are at least 4-5 ways to make a good caramel, with butter added to the sugar, with a bit of water to help break the crystallization, by adding heavy cream to thicken it, etc.

Personally, I don’t really care how it’s made, but for the ice cream preparation I prefer the straightforward approach, remember, we want as little as water (or any kind of fluids) as possible.

I make the caramel for the salted caramel ice cream with a tablespoon of water, adding the heavy cream which I’m using for the ice cream to the caramel cooking.

Salted caramel ice cream

If I were to make toffee or caramel for a cake I would probably use butter in order to soften the caramel but here it will not be wise since butter is dairy plus fat, each had a different freezing temperature which I cannot predict and may cause ice crystallization when the ice cream freeze.

Another key factor to remember is not to over burn the caramel, when it becomes golden amber color, reduce the heat and immediately add the fluids, a burnt caramel will have a sour after taste.

How much salt should I use?

I admit my worst fear when started with this ice cream was to make it too salty, there’s nothing worst that an extra salty ice cream, one that really overpowers all other flavors.

I can calm you down and say that a teaspoon is a low proportion and a tablespoon of salt is probably my preferred quantity.

Thing is, you can actually adjust saltiness level after the custard is out of the refrigerator (before we churn it), I actually prefer to add 1 teaspoon of fine sea salt to the caramel while it’s cooking and another teaspoon of Atlantic sea salt to the caramel after it’s refrigerated.

Remember that when ingredients freeze the taste dim a bit and even if you think you added too much salt, at the end, it will be just the correct amount.

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5 minutes

Making the custard

Pour the milk into a medium saucepan and place over medium-high heat, cook until warm but not boiling, about 75°c/160°F.
While the milk is heating, place the egg yolks in a bowl and whisk for 1 minute until they become lighter in color.
Pour the milk into the egg yolk bowl in a steady drizzle while constantly whisking.
Set the egg yolk-milk mixture aside.

10 minutes

making the caramel

Place the water and sugar in a large saucepan over high heat.
Let the sugar dissolve without stirring until it starts to change its color, at this stage you can stir it a bit to combine the liquid sugar with parts that haven’t been dissolved yet.
When the caramel turns into a rich golden amber color add the heavy cream and sour cream.
Reduce heat to low and pour the egg yolk mixture, cook for another 5 minutes while constantly stirring, we want higher fluids evaporation here to receive a thicker caramel.
Add the vanilla extract and fine salt, and cook for another minute
Turn off heat and strain the mixture.
Cover and place in the fridge for 4 hours, preferably overnight.

40 minutes

churning the ice cream

Take the caramel custard out of the fridge, taste if it needs additional salt, if so add another teaspoon of Atlantic salt.
Churn according to manufacturer's instructions, store in a sealed container and insert into the freezer for at least 2 hours to stabilize.


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