Having chicken for dinner had always been one of the best ways for a good quick dinner without any special preparations. The Roasted Chicken in Lemon Sauce is a recipe that...
Making a good snack or appetizer from your everyday ingredients had never been easier. I came up with the potato snacks recipe when I had 2 hrs. before guests arrive...
This dish is one of my favorite quick mid-night dinners, how can Gnocchi be a quick dinner? you might ask, well…. don’t laugh if I tell you that making a...
Gnocchi is one of the most challenging dumpling you can ever make, the proportions between the potato and flour has to be precise and the worst part is that nobody...
Getting a fast dinner has always been my number one specialty, whenever I’m not planning my meal, it usually turns pretty good, some of my family all-time favorite recipes were...
Prime rib is one of my favorite cuts ever, I have to admit I usually grill it, I get the best results from the good old charcoal barbeque grill, but...
There is something very comforting about taking a vegetable filling it up with something else, giving the vegetable and its stuffing a new form of existence. This is what’s happening...
Soups are in most cases underestimated in my opinion, they are a part of almost every winter meal but they tend to have a clear role at the dinner table,...
I cooked this rice last week at an Indian dinner in our house, this rice recipe is one of my favorite versions for Indian rice. It holds all the Indian...
When I need to get a quick and delicious dinner, the Creamy Broccoli Fettuccine recipe is on top of my list, since it’s a full of flavor and nutritional values...
Coconut ice cream is one of my favorite flavors, it is silky smooth, full of tropical refreshing coconut which makes this ice cream stand out on top of all ice...
When we think about a salad we usually think about a side dish which can accompany the main course and bring freshness into a meal or as a starter to...
whenever we’re hosting dinner with Vegan members I always break my head trying to adopt, or better, to create a dish that will not compromise flavors just for the sake...
We used to eat this dates and nuts roulade at my home forever. It is one of those desserts / dishes where the taste is much greater than its limited...
My mother-in-laws potato salad is one of those dishes you can start eating but can never really stop. You always go back for second and third serving. I thought a...
Labneh is a middle-eastern / Arab kind of cheese based on Yogurt. It is sour, it is salty, it is heavenly when fresh but can preserve a long time in...
Burekas, Borek, Burik, Burekitas are all names that describe a family of pastries traditionally filled with cheese and other goodies. In Turkey they make it with phyllo dough but the...
There are several seasonal grains that are not easy to come by, and sometimes overlooked by many of us, green almonds are among them, they have delicious flavor, something like...